Experimental Project - Paint on Glass Test

Today I had a 2 hour class to test materials and methods for my experimental animation project. I tested paint on glass as I really want to use it in my animation, and I was curious how much time it took to make, and how long a short sequence would take up. I was originally going to animate a part of my storyboard to work out the timing. However, I felt I needed to first test out the method, and see how it works.

I didn't have a specific plan for this animation. I started by making circles out of yellow paint. I was going to make starts but they became circles, and they I wanted to test what it would be like to animate the paint being wiped away, so I made a vine shape, and added leaves.

I am proud of this test, and very glad I trialed it. I would definitely like to use this technique in my animation, and I want to trial mixing it with other methods - maybe adding felt and thread into the mix?

In the end this animation lasted 6 seconds, which might mean that my original idea will last long enough if I use this method, and add more elements to some parts. I have a tutorial for this project later in the week, which is good because I am struggling with how to make my animation exciting, include lots of information, and not be too random.


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