Stop Motion - Puppet Toe Touching

After failing to get a successful attempt with the puppet head turn, I was hesitant when I got the brief to make the puppet touch it's toes. Additionally, I had a disastrous day where everything went wrong: my puppet didn't come with magnets, my camera was broken, and my laptop crashed - all in the space of 1 hour. 

However, I was determined to try this exercise and I ended up doing a few attempts. I can't show all my attempts as some were too short to be worth saving, but with each attempt I learnt the 'do's and don't's' of this exercise.

Attempt 1:

Before doing this attempt I had many failed tests, which helped me pay attention to the clothes, timing, direction of joints, and overall movement. However, I still made some significant errors, such as making the swing too fast, moving the arms too fast at the start of the swing, moving the head by itself first for too many frames, and accidentally moving the background halfway through the animation.

Attempt 2:

I still made some mistakes in attempt 2, however it was much better than the first few attempts. I managed to make the motion more fluid and natural with better timing. To improve I would need to make the swing of the arms at the bottom slower, and maybe make the movement slower when coming back up.


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