DEEP Storyboard

For this story boarding task I was given a script and background design, and told to make a storyboard of the scene. The script was only a page long, so I used this opportunity to make my storyboard detailed in terms of shots, camera angles, lighting, etc. As with every storyboard, at first I feel very overwhelmed to actually draw it. However, once I've planned it out I enjoy the process and how I can manipulate the story through the characters' emotions/lighting/angles/etc. As this script had a specific setting (Victorian England), I researched the outfits of the time to make my characters as authentic as possible. I then planned out the whole storyboard and drew out the characters. After making a rough and character references, I drew a final storyboard where I made it clearer and included lighting.

Final Storyboard:

Character Sketches:

Storyboard Rough Planning:


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