Stop Motion Dead Weight

The last stop motion task for this module was making a puppet drag another puppet. It was very daunting to have to animate 2 puppets at the same time as I'm more used to 2D where I can undo my mistakes.
My first attempt was alright, probably because one of my character walks from the previous week resembled a puppet dragging something therefore I had a reference. After looking back at this attempt I found my puppet was bent forward too much; it looked like it should fall over.
In my second attempt I think I kept the puppet up well, whilst also showing that the body is heavy by having the knees bent. I enjoyed this exercise a lot more than the other stop motion tasks as it was a challenge and interesting animating two puppets. I definitely think I need to work on my stop motion animations, as the past few tasks have not been well done. so I want to research a lot into the action before trying it out.  


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