Experimental Project - Rethinking Ideas

After trialling my last idea I found my animation only lasted 8 seconds, and  wasn't sure how to make it longer. Therefore, I came up with a new idea. However, this idea is more focused on stop-motion rather than experimental methods, so I might combine both ideas so the animation will last long enough, and it will show my abilities in all methods.

I sketched out a quick storyboard, just so I remembered my idea and could plan how I tested it. This idea is based off how I see the world. When I look at items I always think 'how was that made? Could  I recreate it? Could I make it in my own way?' I like to see how things are made, and I like to make and create things as well. Examples of this would be looking at pillows, and then breaking it down the items needed like fabric and stuffing. Then recreating it in my own way by using felt, thread and stuffing to make a plushie version of myself.

I decided for this quick test to focus on my Kpop Album collection, as it was quick to animate and they include photobooks, photo cards, lyric books, the CD, etc so there's a lot to work with. Again, I took the photos on my phone so the quality isn't great, but I was just testing if this idea would work or look good.

Individual Frames

Here is a video of all the above frames put together.

I then just took the frames where I stacked the album to get a sequence which could be looped. I thought this might work well if it was layered with another video or a different technique.

I then put the videos in Final Cut Pro, and edited the colour so it looked more appealing. The big mistake was taking the frames portrait instead of landscape, but it made me think of how I could use this to make my video more interesting. I put two videos side by side to make sure there wasn't much empty space, and it let me express more than one thing at the same time so I can add more information to my animation. I made the two videos different tones so the viewer could see there was a difference.


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