2D Background - Parallax Test
Final Layout
After drawing my layout for my 2D background, I put it into After Effects to see if the parallax worked. I originally had a foreground, 2 midgrounds, a background, and the sky. I was also worried if the scene was too busy, so putting it into After Effects would help me decide if I needed to further edit the layout.
This was my first attempt at creating a parallax with my scene. I found that it worked really well, however there were some parts where it was problematic. The two midgrounds were quite closely linked with their objects and in perspective, so the parallax made them go over each other when I didn't want them too. From this, I decided I would combine the two midgrounds.
I did a second parallax test, and it worked a lot better. The only issue was the rock in the background was overlapping the midground, so I need to edit the rock so it becomes part of the background. I'm going to add a horizon as well, so this may help with this issue.
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