3D Environment - Modeling Objects in Maya

After modeling my buildings, I made some objects to go into my environment. I struggled with these more than the buildings, as they have more awkward shapes. 

I first modeled the wheel. I based the wheel off an image where the stokes were quite thick. Originally I was going to use thin cylinders as the stokes, but as they were thick I had to cut out the shapes. I made the holes by intersecting some prisms with a thin cylinder (the wheel) and I used a difference boolean. I then edited the edges so they curved with the wheel.
 I could've used long cuboids, which would've been much easier.

Wheel Model Front

Wheel Model Wireframe


I also modeled a barrel from a cylinder. I made lots of edge loops, and selected a few to pull out for the curved shape. I also used the edge loops to extrude some details such as the ribbing down the barrel. I also added some nails by using small spheres, and I extruded a cylinder into the barrel for the hole.

Barrel Model Front and Top

Barrel Model Front and Bottom

Barrel Model Wireframe


Rather than spend too much time making lots of objects, I decided I'd just make a few and then duplicate them and scatter them around the scene. This will also save time when I texture the objects.


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