
Showing posts from October, 2017

Stop Motion - Puppet Toe Touching

2D Weightlifting Flour Sack - Colour

2D Weightlifting Flour Sack - Sketch

2D Flour Sack Hula Hooping - Colour

Stop Motion - Puppet Head Turns

2D Flour Sack Hula Hooping - Sketch

Sketchbook Week 3: Acting the Goat

Sketchbook Week 2: From the Real to the Surreal

Sketchbook Week 1: Strangers In A Day

Sketchbook Freshers Week: Toy Story

2D Flour Sack - Shading and Feedback

2D Flour Sack - Line art and Colour

Pastel Doodles

Storyboard Brief: Speed and Direction

Style Challenge

Inktober 2017

Stop Motion Pendulums

Stop Motion Heavy Ball and Floating Balloon

3D Bouncing Balls with Tails

3D Bouncing Balls

2D Flour Sack - Sketch Layer

2D Water Balloon - Colours, Highlights and Shadows

2D Bouncing Balls and Water Balloons